Monday, December 5, 2005

OldPosts: Fermat's last theorm

Fermat's last theorem

The theorem says :
x^n + y^n = z^n has no non-zero solution for n > 2. About year 1500 C.E. it was not proven yet. It was proven about 1990's. I have seen the proof, about 100 pages, not a line I did understood :S. Anyway the theorm implies that you can't divide a cube into two cubes, and so, for higher diemnsions. It is not true for n=2 because of Pythagorean theoerm of the right triangle, which proved that you can divide a square into two squares x^2 + y^2 = z^2.
I am trying to read more about mathematics to be able to understand this theorem, and how it was proved, so i can be able to prove stuff like this. Nontheless, it wouldn't hurt if I just read more about math, but not enought to understand it.

Sources :
* Definition :'s_last_theorem
* Proof :


Dyaa Taha said...

That theorem is a bit hard to say that you need to read a bit more about math to be able to prove stuff like it. Mathematics deserve a bit more respect than that you are showing.

Mohammad Alaggan said...

With all my respect to you, no need to terrify people about math. What's wrong with anyone being able to prove this theorem or even general relativity or string theory ?
In the Egyptian culture, that wall between math and people should be removed.
If one didn't believe or dream that he can do that and even more, he wouldn't even reach half of that.
Fermat is just a human being with much less capabilities than we have today (computer/internet/clustering era).