Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3 years in 40 lines of code; ArabOS page allocator finally arrived al 7amd llah !!

Written in C++, allocated 4 pages as shown al 7amd llah :D.
( p.s. 3o2bal el de-allocation and the sub-page allocator isA :) )


Ahmed Essawy said...

keep on :)

Anonymous said...

sorry D.Mohammed ,
why 3 years for only 40 line of codes ?

Mohammad Alaggan said...

because it's not the count of the lines that matter, but whether you understand the concept behind them.
It took me 3 years to understand the concept :) coding it afterwards was no problem at all.

Anonymous said...

تمام يا دكتور محمد .......دلوقتي انا فهمت ليه خدت 3 سنين عشان تكتب 40 سطر بس ......بس فهمت بعد سنه كامله من طرحي لهذا السؤال ......ربنا يوفقك بأذن الله ويوفقك جميع المسلمين لرفع راية هذا الدين

mhewedy said...

Good luck :)